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Phouang Phet Inthalangsy
June 3, 1961 - June 23, 2016
It is with great sadness that we announce our beloved wife and mother has passed away on June 23, 2016. Phouang Phet "Nang" Inthalangsy was born on June 3rd, 1961 in Phonhong. Her father's name was Oukeo Inthalangsy and her mother was Bountham Muangpak. She came from a big family with over ten siblings. There she lived for much of her early life up until she moved to another village, Thalat, where she would end up meeting her future husband and our father Chanh Liu. They got married on December 25, 1980 and were so in love. They were each other's best friend. In Laos they had two daughters Souphansa and Vandara. When the Vietnam War broke out the family were moved to a Lao refugee camp in Napho, Thailand where she eventually gave birth to her son Souriya. It was a difficult time in the refugee camp but we made the best of it. It was here that she bonded with many of her close friends that have visited us in our home to show their support. We resided in the camp for a little over 7 years sharing the building with many other families.
Eventually we were sponsored to live in Canada where we still reside. Here in Canada our mom worked extremely hard to provide for our family. She didn't speak of word of English but that didn't stop her from finding work to help our family start a new life here. Often she would work long hours and come home early in the morning at 5:00 a.m. only to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to cook breakfast and pack our lunch for us. She was tired but never showed it. Instead she kept working long hours and always said, "Whatever I earn and buy will come back to you guys. It's all yours when I get older." Our mom was a woman who liked to calculate everything she did. She would only do it if it would benefit others or the family. She was endearing to all she knew and this was shown with all the visitors telling her great stories and returning her kindness through their support during this difficult time of ours.
It's been a tough week for our family and it's only getting harder each day. During the past few days we've heard many great words used to describe the type of person our mom was but we've struggled to come up with one of our own to describe her. That's when we realized there isn't just one word we could use to describe her because she was all of those beautiful words and more. She always put the family first before herself and we are truly grateful to have such a wonderful mother .Though our mother has since left this world, her legacy and presence will always be felt by those closest to her. To most she was like a second mother to them and we truly loved that about her. She will be missed not only by her children and husband but by all who have felt her warm embrace. She has passed on and grown her wings to watch over us. She will always be loved by us and will never be forgotten. May she rest in paradise and live on in our memories.
Love you forever Mommy.
We will be together again.
Eventually we were sponsored to live in Canada where we still reside. Here in Canada our mom worked extremely hard to provide for our family. She didn't speak of word of English but that didn't stop her from finding work to help our family start a new life here. Often she would work long hours and come home early in the morning at 5:00 a.m. only to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to cook breakfast and pack our lunch for us. She was tired but never showed it. Instead she kept working long hours and always said, "Whatever I earn and buy will come back to you guys. It's all yours when I get older." Our mom was a woman who liked to calculate everything she did. She would only do it if it would benefit others or the family. She was endearing to all she knew and this was shown with all the visitors telling her great stories and returning her kindness through their support during this difficult time of ours.
It's been a tough week for our family and it's only getting harder each day. During the past few days we've heard many great words used to describe the type of person our mom was but we've struggled to come up with one of our own to describe her. That's when we realized there isn't just one word we could use to describe her because she was all of those beautiful words and more. She always put the family first before herself and we are truly grateful to have such a wonderful mother .Though our mother has since left this world, her legacy and presence will always be felt by those closest to her. To most she was like a second mother to them and we truly loved that about her. She will be missed not only by her children and husband but by all who have felt her warm embrace. She has passed on and grown her wings to watch over us. She will always be loved by us and will never be forgotten. May she rest in paradise and live on in our memories.
Love you forever Mommy.
We will be together again.